Thistle Initiatives

Navigating the jungle of change

Business Consulting

A fast-growing business.
An energetic and driven workforce.
Acquisitions and leadership changes.

When Thistle Initiatives – a financial compliance consultancy in the heart of the City – reached out to said & done, the excitement was palpable. Change was in the air.

And yet the leadership was struggling to answer some pretty fundamental questions:

“What is our purpose as a business?”
“What matters most to us as leaders?”
“What do we expect of our people?”

The change train had already left the station. New recruits were being appointed, acquisition deals being signed, a leadership transition was underway. We were tasked with helping to uncover the purpose and values for the newly formed Thistle Group – and there was little time to spare.

Seeing what mattered from the trees

We began with an in-depth survey of all staff and a half-day workshop with the newly formed senior leadership team. What quickly became clear was that the organisation was busy hacking its way through the jungle of change – the stuff that needed sorting, fixing, resetting.

But they were struggling to see beyond the dense jungle in front of them. Our task? To draw out the gold from within the organisation, to show people what they were struggling to see for themselves – why they are really here, what matters most.

The good news was that the existing culture was marked by honesty and forthrightness. By asking the right questions and providing a space for answers to emerge and discussions to flow, a clear picture soon emerged.

Purpose: Tapping into the deeper need of customers

To get to the heart of the business, we hosted workshops and conducted a whole company survey. We quickly realised there was a deeper, more emotive customer need being addressed through the compliance work.

For entrepreneurs looking to launch a new financial product or service, the stakes are really quite high. Get compliance wrong (or worse, fail to get FCA approval) and the implications on careers and livelihoods can be significant.

It soon became clear that Thistle were not simply supporting their customers – they were helping them find their way through the dark. They were helping them overcome fears, doubts and misgivings on a perilous journey.

From this insight a purpose statement and narrative emerged – one which the leaders of the business immediately took to.

Values: Setting positive expectations for employees

Despite being a relatively young organisation with a number of new leaders, it quickly became clear that Thistle had an established culture of norms and expectations. Our task was to draw those out and bring them into the light – putting words to assumptions.

From the survey and workshop, six distinct territories emerged – areas where unwritten values where already being (i) desired by the leadership; and (ii) bought into by the wider staff team. We selected four of these territories for further development – territories where values could emerge that would be authentic, aspirational and ownable.

We knew the tone was important for Thistle. This was a young team looking to disrupt some of the old ways of doing things – and the values needed to reflect that ethos and personality. In short, they needed to feel different from the values of the ‘old guard’ of financial services.

Marking the new day

The new purpose and values was launched at the first group-wide company day, along with the announcement of the new CEO stepping into her role. The response was typically Thistle – enthusiastic, energetic, with a ‘let’s make this happen’ attitude.

Having got the ball rolling with embedding ideas, we left Thistle and its leaders with the tools they needed to put their new values and purpose to work within the business. Next stop on the journey? To build a powerful, purpose-led, values-driven culture that will be the engine for their growth.

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It’s been an absolute pleasure working with said & done. They quickly got to grips with what we are about as a business and what matters most to us as a group of people. The end result is a new purpose and set of values that are totally us – and exactly what we need to bring everyone together on this exciting journey of growth.

Sophie Long