A lot has changed since 1981.
New people. New technologies. New methods. We've come a long way since the days of neon socks, ultra perms and running the business out of a neighbour's basement.
But we’ve always been an agency on a mission. Whether that’s creating a special place to work, serving clients with high-level thinking & creative, or helping the good and the great unlock the potential of their brand.
The name said & done tells our story.
As a bunch of people, we’ve always been ‘walk the talk’ types. The kind who stand by their promises. The sort who will say what needs to be said, and then do what needs to be done.
But that's only part of the story behind our name.
At the heart of the agency is an unwavering belief that some things matter more. Call it being 'values-led' or 'purpose-driven' (or simply keeping in mind what really matters in life).
We choose to work with organisations and leaders who give a damn about these things too. Because when all is said & done, we want to help the 'good guys' leave their mark on the world.
That's why we're particular about who we work with.
We choose to work with not-for-profits and businesses who care about the state of the world. Those willing to stand up for what matters. The ones focused on more than the bottom line.
If that's you, then great. We're here to make your brand meaningful and memorable. To help you stand up for what matters, and stand out from the crowd. To free your brand to realise its hidden potential.
Because when all is said & done,
we know some things matter more.